
Patchwork - Füllstücke in einer hervorragenden Organisation versammelt

Wie vorgefunden und an dieser Stelle gruppiert: eine Mauer aus singulären Steinen, ein Flickengewebe, Josephs Mantel, Coat of many colors, buntfleckiges Harlekinkostüm, die schotten-karierte Weste Redburns ...
Hierbei handelt es sich um demokratische Konstruktionen wie auch um Zeichen von Exklusivität.
As found and arranged at this point: a wall out of singular stones, a patchwork, Joseph's coat, coat of many colors, the multicolored costume of a harlequin, Redburn's waistcoat out of Scottish tartan ...
Thereby it is about democratic constructions as well as signs of exclusivity.

2010 Hermès

J’aime mon Carré by Hermès
Launched fall 2010 in collaboration with Colette, the collection comes in an assortment of patterns and designs that puts a spin on Hermès' typical signature silk scarf.


1850–1900 Pennsylvania

Constanze Schweiger Holding Up Joseph's Coat in Seltener Stil Westphalie Hors Collection 2007