
2012 Mike Davies

In her article "He built the dome. Fortunately he didn't choose the colour" for The Guardian July 26, 1999, Hannah Baldock talks about the obsessive relationship of an architect to one color. For Mike Davies "Colour is a vehicle to exploring life." For that he chose red – drives a red Jaguar with red leather interior, writes with a red pen in red ink or places twenty two red telescopes on the roof of his house that might remind one on the structures of his architectures Centre Georges Pompidou or Millennium Dome. Also Davies dresses only in red. He started with this self-maded dress code on a stay in Paris in 1972 when he was working on Centre Georges Pompidou. When a client informed him that locally his purple suite might be read for its color as a signal of homosexuality, he went straight down a road and bought three golf trousers in red. Gradually his whole attire, from knitted ties to socks, turned red. Since then Davies finds a life in red “almost entirely positive" certainly … He became the red guy.

Mike Davies performs September 21, 2012 at Ephemeropterae˜ – a series of 16 performative events at TBA21 Augarten, Vienna